Red Hat Developer Hub 1.5

Audit logs in Red Hat Developer Hub

Tracking user activities, system events, and data changes with Red Hat Developer Hub audit logs

Red Hat Customer Content Services


As a Red Hat Developer Hub administrator, you can track user activities, system events, and data changes with Developer Hub audit logs.

1. Audit logs in Red Hat Developer Hub

Audit logs are a chronological set of records documenting the user activities, system events, and data changes that affect your Red Hat Developer Hub users, administrators, or components. Administrators can view Developer Hub audit logs in the OpenShift Container Platform web console to monitor scaffolder events, changes to the RBAC system, and changes to the Catalog database. Audit logs include the following information:

  • Name of the audited event
  • Actor that triggered the audited event, for example, terminal, port, IP address, or hostname
  • Event metadata, for example, date, time
  • Event status, for example, success, failure
  • Severity levels, for example, info, debug, warn, error

You can use the information in the audit log to achieve the following goals:

Enhance security
Trace activities, including those initiated by automated systems and software templates, back to their source. Know when software templates are executed, as well as the details of application and component installations, updates, configuration changes, and removals.
Automate compliance
Use streamlined processes to view log data for specified points in time for auditing purposes or continuous compliance maintenance.
Debug issues
Use access records and activity details to fix issues with software templates or plugins.

Audit logs are not forwarded to the internal log store by default because this does not provide secure storage. You are responsible for ensuring that the system to which you forward audit logs is compliant with your organizational and governmental regulations, and is properly secured.

Additional resources

2. Configuring audit logs for Developer Hub on OpenShift Container Platform

Use the OpenShift Container Platform web console to configure the following OpenShift Container Platform logging components to use audit logging for Developer Hub:

Logging deployment
Configure the logging environment, including both the CPU and memory limits for each logging component. For more information, see Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform - Configuring your Logging deployment.
Logging collector
Configure the spec.collection stanza in the ClusterLogging custom resource (CR) to use a supported modification to the log collector and collect logs from STDOUT. For more information, see Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform - Configuring the logging collector.
Log forwarding
Send logs to specific endpoints inside and outside your OpenShift Container Platform cluster by specifying a combination of outputs and pipelines in a ClusterLogForwarder CR. For more information, see Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform - Enabling JSON log forwarding and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform - Configuring log forwarding.

2.1. Forwarding Red Hat Developer Hub audit logs to Splunk

You can use the Red Hat OpenShift Logging (OpenShift Logging) Operator and a ClusterLogForwarder instance to capture the streamed audit logs from a Developer Hub instance and forward them to the HTTPS endpoint associated with your Splunk instance.


  • You have a cluster running on a supported OpenShift Container Platform version.
  • You have an account with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have a Splunk Cloud account or Splunk Enterprise installation.


  1. Log in to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  2. Install the OpenShift Logging Operator in the openshift-logging namespace and switch to the namespace:

    Example command to switch to a namespace

    oc project openshift-logging

  3. Create a serviceAccount named log-collector and bind the collect-application-logs role to the serviceAccount :

    Example command to create a serviceAccount

    oc create sa log-collector

    Example command to bind a role to a serviceAccount

    oc create clusterrolebinding log-collector --clusterrole=collect-application-logs --serviceaccount=openshift-logging:log-collector

  4. Generate a hecToken in your Splunk instance.
  5. Create a key/value secret in the openshift-logging namespace and verify the secret:

    Example command to create a key/value secret with hecToken

    oc -n openshift-logging create secret generic splunk-secret --from-literal=hecToken=<HEC_Token>

    Example command to verify a secret

    oc -n openshift-logging get secret/splunk-secret -o yaml

  6. Create a basic `ClusterLogForwarder`resource YAML file as follows:

    Example `ClusterLogForwarder`resource YAML file

    kind: ClusterLogForwarder
      name: instance
      namespace: openshift-logging

    For more information, see Creating a log forwarder.

  7. Define the following ClusterLogForwarder configuration using OpenShift web console or OpenShift CLI:

    1. Specify the log-collector as serviceAccount in the YAML file:

      Example serviceAccount configuration

        name: log-collector

    2. Configure inputs to specify the type and source of logs to forward. The following configuration enables the forwarder to capture logs from all applications in a provided namespace:

      Example inputs configuration

        - name: my-app-logs-input
          type: application
              - namespace: my-rhdh-project
              maxRecordsPerSecond: 100

      For more information, see Forwarding application logs from specific pods.

    3. Configure outputs to specify where the captured logs are sent. In this step, focus on the splunk type. You can either use tls.insecureSkipVerify option if the Splunk endpoint uses self-signed TLS certificates (not recommended) or provide the certificate chain using a Secret.

      Example outputs configuration

        - name: splunk-receiver-application
          type: splunk
                key: hecToken
                secretName: splunk-secret
            index: main
            url: 'https://my-splunk-instance-url'
              maxRecordsPerSecond: 250

      For more information, see Forwarding logs to Splunk in OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

    4. Optional: Filter logs to include only audit logs:

      Example filters configuration

        - name: audit-logs-only
          type: drop
            - test:
              - field: .message
                notMatches: isAuditLog

      For more information, see Filtering logs by content in OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

    5. Configure pipelines to route logs from specific inputs to designated outputs. Use the names of the defined inputs and outputs to specify multiple inputRefs and outputRefs in each pipeline:

      Example pipelines configuration

        - name: my-app-logs-pipeline
          detectMultilineErrors: true
            - my-app-logs-input
            - splunk-receiver-application
            - audit-logs-only

  8. Run the following command to apply the ClusterLogForwarder configuration:

    Example command to apply ClusterLogForwarder configuration

    oc apply -f <ClusterLogForwarder-configuration.yaml>

  9. Optional: To reduce the risk of log loss, configure your ClusterLogForwarder pods using the following options:

    1. Define the resource requests and limits for the log collector as follows:

      Example collector configuration

            cpu: 250m
            memory: 64Mi
            ephemeral-storage: 250Mi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 128Mi
            ephemeral-storage: 500Mi

    2. Define tuning options for log delivery, including delivery, compression, and RetryDuration. Tuning can be applied per output as needed.

      Example tuning configuration

        delivery: AtLeastOnce 1
        compression: none
        minRetryDuration: 1s
        maxRetryDuration: 10s

      AtLeastOnce delivery mode means that if the log forwarder crashes or is restarted, any logs that were read before the crash but not sent to their destination are re-sent. It is possible that some logs are duplicated after a crash.


  1. Confirm that logs are being forwarded to your Splunk instance by viewing them in the Splunk dashboard.
  2. Troubleshoot any issues using OpenShift Container Platform and Splunk logs as needed.

3. Viewing audit logs in Developer Hub

Administrators can view, search, filter, and manage the log data from the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console. You can filter audit logs from other log types by using the isAuditLog field.


  • You are logged in as an administrator in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. From the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click the Topology tab.
  2. From the Topology view, click the pod that you want to view audit log data for.
  3. From the pod panel, click the Resources tab.
  4. From the Pods section of the Resources tab, click View logs.
  5. From the Logs view, enter isAuditLog into the Search field to filter audit logs from other log types. You can use the arrows to browse the logs containing the isAuditLog field.

3.1. Audit log fields

Developer Hub audit logs can include the following fields:

The name of the audited event.

An object containing information about the actor that triggered the audited event. Contains the following fields:

The name/id/entityRef of the associated user or service. Can be null if an unauthenticated user accesses the endpoints and the default authentication policy is disabled.
The IP address of the actor (optional).
The hostname of the actor (optional).
The user agent of the actor (optional).
The stage of the event at the time that the audit log was generated, for example, initiation or completion.
The status of the event, for example, succeeded or failed.
An optional object containing event specific data, for example, taskId.

An optional field that contains information about the HTTP request sent to an endpoint. Contains the following fields:

The HTTP method of the request.
The query fields of the request.
The params fields of the request.
The request body. The secrets provided when creating a task are redacted and appear as *.
The endpoint URL of the request.

An optional field that contains information about the HTTP response sent from an endpoint. Contains the following fields:

The status code of the HTTP response.
The contents of the request body.
A flag set to true to differentiate audit logs from other log types.
A list of errors containing the name, message and potentially the stack field of the error. Only appears when status is failed.

3.2. Scaffolder events

Developer Hub audit logs can include the following scaffolder events:

Tracks GET requests to the /v2/templates/:namespace/:kind/:name/parameter-schema endpoint which return template parameter schemas
Tracks GET requests to the /v2/actions endpoint which grabs the list of installed actions
Tracks POST requests to the /v2/tasks endpoint which creates tasks that the scaffolder executes
Tracks GET requests to the /v2/tasks endpoint which fetches details of all tasks in the scaffolder.
Tracks GET requests to the /v2/tasks/:taskId endpoint which fetches details of a specified task :taskId
Tracks POST requests to the /v2/tasks/:taskId/cancel endpoint which cancels a running task
Tracks GET requests to the /v2/tasks/:taskId/eventstream endpoint which returns an event stream of the task logs of task :taskId
Tracks GET requests to the /v2/tasks/:taskId/events endpoint which returns a snapshot of the task logs of task :taskId
Tracks POST requests to the /v2/dry-run endpoint which creates a dry-run task. All audit logs for events associated with dry runs have the meta.isDryLog flag set to true.
Tracks automated cancellation of stale tasks
Tracks the initiation and completion of a real scaffolder task execution (will not occur during dry runs)
Tracks initiation and completion of a scaffolder task step execution
Tracks steps skipped due to if conditionals not being met
Tracks the step execution of each iteration of a task step that contains the each field.

3.3. Catalog events

Developer Hub audit logs can include the following catalog events:

Tracks GET requests to the /entities/by-name/:kind/:namespace/:name/ancestry endpoint, which returns the ancestry of an entity
Tracks POST requests to the /entities/by-refs endpoint, which returns a batch of entities
Tracks DELETE requests to the /entities/by-uid/:uid endpoint, which deletes an entity

If the parent location of the deleted entity is still present in the catalog, then the entity is restored in the catalog during the next processing cycle.

Tracks GET requests to the /entity-facets endpoint, which returns the facets of an entity
Tracks GET requests to the /entities endpoint, which returns a list of entities
Tracks GET requests to the /entities/by-name/:kind/:namespace/:name endpoint, which returns an entity matching the specified entity reference, for example, <kind>:<namespace>/<name>
Tracks GET requests to the /entities/by-uid/:uid endpoint, which returns an entity matching the unique ID of the specified entity
Tracks POST requests to the /entities/refresh endpoint, which schedules the specified entity to be refreshed
Tracks POST requests to the /entities/validate endpoint, which validates the specified entity
Tracks POST requests to the /locations endpoint, which creates a location

A location is a marker that references other places to look for catalog data.

Tracks POST requests to the /locations/analyze endpoint, which analyzes the specified location
Tracks DELETE requests to the /locations/:id endpoint, which deletes a location and all child entities associated with it
Tracks GET requests to the /locations endpoint, which returns a list of locations
Tracks GET requests to the /locations/by-entity endpoint, which returns a list of locations associated with the specified entity reference
Tracks GET requests to the /locations/:id endpoint, which returns a location matching the specified location ID
Tracks GET requests to the /entities/by-query endpoint, which returns a list of entities matching the specified query

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