Red Hat Developer Hub 1.5

Installing and viewing plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub

Installing plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Administrative users can install and configure plugins to enable other users to use plugins to extend RHDH functionality.

1. Installing dynamic plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub

The dynamic plugin support is based on the backend plugin manager package, which is a service that scans a configured root directory (dynamicPlugins.rootDirectory in the app-config.yaml file) for dynamic plugin packages and loads them dynamically.

You can use the dynamic plugins that come preinstalled with Red Hat Developer Hub or install external dynamic plugins from a public NPM registry.

1.1. Installing dynamic plugins with the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator

You can store the configuration for dynamic plugins in a ConfigMap object that your Backstage custom resource (CR) can reference.


If the pluginConfig field references environment variables, you must define the variables in your my-rhdh-secrets secret.


  1. From the OpenShift Container Platform web console, select the ConfigMaps tab.
  2. Click Create ConfigMap.
  3. From the Create ConfigMap page, select the YAML view option in Configure via and edit the file, if needed.

    Example ConfigMap object using the GitHub dynamic plugin

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: dynamic-plugins-rhdh
      dynamic-plugins.yaml: |
          - dynamic-plugins.default.yaml
          - package: './dynamic-plugins/dist/backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-github-dynamic'
            disabled: false
                    organization: "${GITHUB_ORG}"
                      frequency: { minutes: 1 }
                      timeout: { minutes: 1 }
                      initialDelay: { seconds: 100 }

  4. Click Create.
  5. Go to the Topology view.
  6. Click on the overflow menu for the Red Hat Developer Hub instance that you want to use and select Edit Backstage to load the YAML view of the Red Hat Developer Hub instance.

    operator install 2
  7. Add the dynamicPluginsConfigMapName field to your Backstage CR. For example:

    kind: Backstage
      name: my-rhdh
    # ...
        dynamicPluginsConfigMapName: dynamic-plugins-rhdh
    # ...
  8. Click Save.
  9. Navigate back to the Topology view and wait for the Red Hat Developer Hub pod to start.
  10. Click the Open URL icon to start using the Red Hat Developer Hub platform with the new configuration changes.


  • Ensure that the dynamic plugins configuration has been loaded, by appending /api/dynamic-plugins-info/loaded-plugins to your Red Hat Developer Hub root URL and checking the list of plugins:

    Example list of plugins

        "name": "backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-github-dynamic",
        "version": "0.5.2",
        "platform": "node",
        "role": "backend-plugin-module"
        "name": "backstage-plugin-techdocs",
        "version": "1.10.0",
        "role": "frontend-plugin",
        "platform": "web"
        "name": "backstage-plugin-techdocs-backend-dynamic",
        "version": "1.9.5",
        "platform": "node",
        "role": "backend-plugin"

1.2. Installing dynamic plugins using the Helm chart

You can deploy a Developer Hub instance using a Helm chart, which is a flexible installation method. With the Helm chart, you can sideload dynamic plugins into your Developer Hub instance without having to recompile your code or rebuild the container.

To install dynamic plugins in Developer Hub using Helm, add the following global.dynamic parameters in your Helm chart:

  • plugins: the dynamic plugins list intended for installation. By default, the list is empty. You can populate the plugins list with the following fields:

    • package: a package specification for the dynamic plugin package that you want to install. You can use a package for either a local or an external dynamic plugin installation. For a local installation, use a path to the local folder containing the dynamic plugin. For an external installation, use a package specification from a public NPM repository.
    • integrity (required for external packages): an integrity checksum in the form of <alg>-<digest> specific to the package. Supported algorithms include sha256, sha384 and sha512.
    • pluginConfig: an optional plugin-specific app-config YAML fragment. See plugin configuration for more information.
    • disabled: disables the dynamic plugin if set to true. Default: false.
  • includes: a list of YAML files utilizing the same syntax.

The plugins list in the includes file is merged with the plugins list in the main Helm values. If a plugin package is mentioned in both plugins lists, the plugins fields in the main Helm values override the plugins fields in the includes file. The default configuration includes the dynamic-plugins.default.yaml file, which contains all of the dynamic plugins preinstalled in Developer Hub, whether enabled or disabled by default.

1.2.1. Example Helm chart configurations for dynamic plugin installations

The following examples demonstrate how to configure the Helm chart for specific types of dynamic plugin installations.

Configuring a local plugin and an external plugin when the external plugin requires a specific app-config

      - package: <alocal package-spec used by npm pack>
      - package: <external package-spec used by npm pack>
        integrity: sha512-<some hash>
        pluginConfig: ...

Disabling a plugin from an included file

      - dynamic-plugins.default.yaml
      - package: <some imported plugins listed in dynamic-plugins.default.yaml>
        disabled: true

Enabling a plugin from an included file

      - dynamic-plugins.default.yaml
      - package: <some imported plugins listed in dynamic-plugins.custom.yaml>
        disabled: false

Enabling a plugin that is disabled in an included file

      - dynamic-plugins.default.yaml
      - package: <some imported plugins listed in dynamic-plugins.custom.yaml>
        disabled: false

1.3. Installing dynamic plugins in an air-gapped environment

You can install external plugins in an air-gapped environment by setting up a custom NPM registry.

You can configure the NPM registry URL and authentication information for dynamic plugin packages using a Helm chart. For dynamic plugin packages obtained through npm pack, you can use a .npmrc file.

Using the Helm chart, add the .npmrc file to the NPM registry by creating a secret named dynamic-plugins-npmrc with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: dynamic-plugins-npmrc
type: Opaque
  .npmrc: |

2. Third-party plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub

You can integrate third-party dynamic plugins into Red Hat Developer Hub to enhance its functionality without modifying its source code or rebuilding it. To add these plugins, export them as derived packages.

While exporting the plugin package, you must ensure that dependencies are correctly bundled or marked as shared, depending on their relationship to the Developer Hub environment.

To integrate a third-party plugin into Developer Hub:

  1. First, obtain the plugin’s source code.
  2. Export the plugin as a dynamic plugin package. See Section 2.1, “Exporting third-party plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub”.
  3. Package and publish the dynamic plugin. See Section 2.2, “Packaging and publishing third-party plugins as dynamic plugins”.
  4. Install the plugin in the Developer Hub environment. See Section 2.3, “Installing third-party plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub”.

2.1. Exporting third-party plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub

To use plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub, you can export plugins as derived dynamic plugin packages. These packages contain the plugin code and dependencies, ready for dynamic plugin integration into Developer Hub.


  • The @janus-idp/cli package is installed. Use the latest version (@latest tag) for compatibility with the most recent features and fixes.
  • Node.js and NPM is installed and configured.
  • The third-party plugin is compatible with your Red Hat Developer Hub version. For more information, see Version compatibility matrix.
  • The third-party plugin must have a valid package.json file in its root directory, containing all required metadata and dependencies.

    Backend plugins

    To ensure compatibility with the dynamic plugin support and enable their use as dynamic plugins, existing backend plugins must be compatible with the new Backstage backend system. Additionally, these plugins must be rebuilt using a dedicated CLI command.

    The new Backstage backend system entry point (created using createBackendPlugin() or createBackendModule()) must be exported as the default export from either the main package or an alpha package (if the plugin instance support is still provided using alpha APIs). This doesn’t add any additional requirement on top of the standard plugin development guidelines of the plugin instance.

    The dynamic export mechanism identifies private dependencies and sets the bundleDependencies field in the package.json file. This export mechanism ensures that the dynamic plugin package is published as a self-contained package, with its private dependencies bundled in a private node_modules folder.

    Certain plugin dependencies require specific handling in the derived packages, such as:

    • Shared dependencies are provided by the RHDH application and listed as peerDependencies in package.json file, not bundled in the dynamic plugin package. For example, by default, all @backstage scoped packages are shared.

      You can use the --shared-package flag to specify shared dependencies, that are expected to be provided by Red Hat Developer Hub application and not bundled in the dynamic plugin package.

      To treat a @backstage package as private, use the negation prefix (!). For example, when a plugin depends on the package in @backstage that is not provided by the Red Hat Developer Hub application.

    • Embedded dependencies are bundled into the dynamic plugin package with their dependencies hoisted to the top level. By default, packages with -node or -common suffixes are embedded.

      You can use the --embed-package flag to specify additional embedded packages. For example, packages from the same workspace that do not follow the default naming convention.

      The following is an example of exporting a dynamic plugin with shared and embedded packages:

      Example dynamic plugin export with shared and embedded packages

      npx @janus-idp/cli@latest export-dynamic-plugin --shared-package '!/@backstage/plugin-notifications/' --embed-package @backstage/plugin-notifications-backend

      In the previous example:

    • @backstage/plugin-notifications package is treated as a private dependency and is bundled in the dynamic plugin package, despite being in the @backstage scope.
    • @backstage/plugin-notifications-backend package is marked as an embedded dependency and is bundled in the dynamic plugin package.
    Front-end plugins

    Front-end plugins can use scalprum for configuration, which the CLI can generate automatically during the export process. The generated default configuration is logged when running the following command:

    Example command to log the default configuration

    npx @janus-idp/cli@latest export-dynamic

    The following is an example of default scalprum configuration:

    Default scalprum configuration

    "scalprum": {
      "name": "<package_name>",  // The Webpack container name matches the NPM package name, with "@" replaced by "." and "/" removed.
      "exposedModules": {
        "PluginRoot": "./src/index.ts"  // The default module name is "PluginRoot" and doesn't need explicit specification in the app-config.yaml file.

    You can add a scalprum section to the package.json file. For example:

    Example scalprum customization

    "scalprum": {
      "name": "custom-package-name",
      "exposedModules": {
        "FooModuleName": "./src/foo.ts",
        "BarModuleName": "./src/bar.ts"
        // Define multiple modules here, with each exposed as a separate entry point in the Webpack container.

    Dynamic plugins might need adjustments for Developer Hub needs, such as static JSX for mountpoints or dynamic routes. These changes are optional but might be incompatible with static plugins.

    To include static JSX, define an additional export and use it as the dynamic plugin’s importName. For example:

    Example static and dynamic plugin export

    // For a static plugin
    export const EntityTechdocsContent = () => {...}
    // For a dynamic plugin
    export const DynamicEntityTechdocsContent = {
      element: EntityTechdocsContent,
      staticJSXContent: (
          <ReportIssue />


  • Use the package export-dynamic-plugin command from the @janus-idp/cli package to export the plugin:

    Example command to export a third-party plugin

    npx @janus-idp/cli@latest package export-dynamic-plugin

    Ensure that you execute the previous command in the root directory of the plugin’s JavaScript package (containing package.json file).

    The resulting derived package will be located in the dist-dynamic subfolder. The exported package name consists of the original plugin name with -dynamic appended.


    The derived dynamic plugin JavaScript packages must not be published to the public NPM registry. For more appropriate packaging options, see Section 2.2, “Packaging and publishing third-party plugins as dynamic plugins”. If you must publish to the NPM registry, use a private registry.

2.2. Packaging and publishing third-party plugins as dynamic plugins

After exporting a third-party plugin, you can package the derived package into one of the following supported formats:

  • Open Container Initiative (OCI) image (recommended)
  • TGZ file
  • JavaScript package


    Exported dynamic plugin packages must only be published to private NPM registries.

2.2.1. Creating an OCI image with dynamic packages



  1. Navigate to the plugin’s root directory (not the dist-dynamic directory).
  2. Run the following command to package the plugin into an OCI image:

    Example command to package an exported third-party plugin

    npx @janus-idp/cli@latest package package-dynamic-plugins --tag

    In the previous command, the --tag argument specifies the image name and tag.

  3. Run one of the following commands to push the image to a registry:

    Example command to push an image to a registry using podman

    podman push

    Example command to push an image to a registry using docker

    docker push

    The output of the package-dynamic-plugins command provides the plugin’s path for use in the dynamic-plugin-config.yaml file.

2.2.2. Creating a TGZ file with dynamic packages



  1. Navigate to the dist-dynamic directory.
  2. Run the following command to create a tgz archive:

    Example command to create a tgz archive

    npm pack

    You can obtain the integrity hash from the output of the npm pack command by using the --json flag as follows:

    Example command to obtain the integrity hash of a tgz archive

    npm pack --json | head -n 10

  3. Host the archive on a web server accessible to your RHDH instance, and reference its URL in the dynamic-plugin-config.yaml file as follows:

    Example dynamic-plugin-config.yaml file

      - package:
        integrity: sha512-<hash>

  4. Run the following command to package the plugins:

    Example command to package a dynamic plugin

    npm pack --pack-destination ~/test/dynamic-plugins-root/


    To create a plugin registry using HTTP server on OpenShift Container Platform, run the following commands:

    Example commands to build and deploy an HTTP server in OpenShift Container Platform

    oc project {my-product-namespace}
    oc new-build httpd --name=plugin-registry --binary
    oc start-build plugin-registry --from-dir=dynamic-plugins-root --wait
    oc new-app --image-stream=plugin-registry

  5. Configure your RHDH to use plugins from the HTTP server by editing the dynamic-plugin-config.yaml file:

    Example configuration to use packaged plugins in RHDH

      - package: http://plugin-registry:8080/backstage-plugin-myplugin-1.9.6.tgz

2.2.3. Creating a JavaScript package with dynamic packages


The derived dynamic plugin JavaScript packages must not be published to the public NPM registry. If you must publish to the NPM registry, use a private registry.



  1. Navigate to the dist-dynamic directory.
  2. Run the following command to publish the package to your private NPM registry:

    Example command to publish a plugin package to an NPM registry

    npm publish --registry <npm_registry_url>


    You can add the following to your package.json file before running the export command:

    Example package.json file

      "publishConfig": {
        "registry": "<npm_registry_url>"

    If you modify publishConfig after exporting the dynamic plugin, re-run the export-dynamic-plugin command to ensure the correct configuration is included.

2.3. Installing third-party plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub

You can install a third-party plugins in Red Hat Developer Hub without rebuilding the RHDH application.

The location of the dynamic-plugin-config.yaml file depends on the deployment method. For more details, refer to Installing dynamic plugins with the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator and Installing dynamic plugins using the Helm chart.

Plugins are defined in the plugins array within the dynamic-plugin-config.yaml file. Each plugin is represented as an object with the following properties:

  • package: The plugin’s package definition, which can be an OCI image, a TGZ file, a JavaScript package, or a directory path.
  • disabled: A boolean value indicating whether the plugin is enabled or disabled.
  • integrity: The integrity hash of the package, required for TGZ file and JavaScript packages.
  • pluginConfig: The plugin’s configuration. For backend plugins, this is optional; for frontend plugins, it is required. The pluginConfig is a fragment of the app-config.yaml file, and any added properties are merged with the RHDH app-config.yaml file.

You can also load dynamic plugins from another directory, though this is intended for development or testing purposes and is not recommended for production, except for plugins included in the RHDH container image.

2.3.1. Loading a plugin packaged as an OCI image



  1. Define the plugin with the oci:// prefix in the following format in dynamic-plugins.yaml file:


    Example configuration in dynamic-plugins.yaml file

      - disabled: false
        package: oci://!backstage-plugin-myplugin

  2. Configure authentication for private registries by setting the REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE environment variable to the path of the registry configuration file. For example, ~/.config/containers/auth.json or ~/.docker/config.json.
  3. To perform an integrity check, use the image digest in place of the tag in the dynamic-plugins.yaml file as follows:

    Example configuration in dynamic-plugins.yaml file

      - disabled: false
        package: oci://!backstage-plugin-myplugin

  4. To apply the changes, restart the RHDH application.

2.3.2. Loading a plugin packaged as a TGZ file



  1. Specify the archive URL and its integrity hash in the dynamic-plugins.yaml file using the following example:

    Example configuration in dynamic-plugins.yaml file

      - disabled: false
        integrity: sha512-9WlbgEdadJNeQxdn1973r5E4kNFvnT9GjLD627GWgrhCaxjCmxqdNW08cj+Bf47mwAtZMt1Ttyo+ZhDRDj9PoA==

  2. To apply the changes, restart the RHDH application.

2.3.3. Loading a plugin packaged as a JavaScript package



  1. Run the following command to obtain the integrity hash from the NPM registry:

    npm view --registry <registry-url> <npm package>@<version> dist.integrity
  2. Specify the package name, version, and its integrity hash in the dynamic-plugins.yaml file as follows:

    Example configuration in dynamic-plugins.yaml file

      - disabled: false
        package: @example/backstage-plugin-myplugin@1.0.0
        integrity: sha512-9WlbgEdadJNeQxdn1973r5E4kNFvnT9GjLD627GWgrhCaxjCmxqdNW08cj+Bf47mwAtZMt1Ttyo+ZhDRDj9PoA==

  3. If you are using a custom NPM registry, create a .npmrc file with the registry URL and authentication details:

    Example code for .npmrc file


  4. When using OpenShift Container Platform or Kubernetes:

    • Create a secret with the .npmrc content as follows:

      Example secret configuration

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: dynamic-plugins-npmrc
      type: Opaque
        .npmrc: |

    • For RHDH Helm chart, name the secret using the following format for automatic mounting:


  5. To apply the changes, restart the RHDH application.

2.3.4. Example of installing a third-party plugin in Red Hat Developer Hub

This section describes the process for integrating the Todo plugin into your Developer Hub.

  1. Obtain the third-party plugin source code: Clone the plugins repository and navigate to the Todo plugin directory:

    Obtain the third-party plugin source code

    $ git clone
    $ cd community-plugins/workspaces/todo
    $ yarn install

  2. Export backend and front-end plugins: Run the following commands to build the backend plugin, adjust package dependencies for dynamic loading, and generate self-contained configuration schema:

    Export the backend plugin

    $ cd todo-backend
    $ npx @janus-idp/cli@latest package export-dynamic-plugin

    Output of exporting the backend plugin commands

    Building main package
      executing     yarn build ✔
    Packing main package to dist-dynamic/package.json
    Customizing main package in dist-dynamic/package.json for dynamic loading
      moving @backstage/backend-common to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/backend-openapi-utils to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/backend-plugin-api to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/catalog-client to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/catalog-model to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/config to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/errors to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/integration to peerDependencies
      moving @backstage/plugin-catalog-node to peerDependencies
    Installing private dependencies of the main package
       executing     yarn install --no-immutable ✔
    Validating private dependencies
    Validating plugin entry points
    Saving self-contained config schema in /Users/user/Code/community-plugins/workspaces/todo/plugins/todo-backend/dist-dynamic/dist/configSchema.json

    You can run the following commands to set default dynamic UI configurations, create front-end plugin assets, and to generate a configuration schema for a front-end plugin:

    Export the front-end plugin

    $ cd ../todo
    $ npx @janus-idp/cli@latest package export-dynamic-plugin

    Output of exporting the front-end plugin commands

    No scalprum config. Using default dynamic UI configuration:
      "name": "backstage-community.plugin-todo",
      "exposedModules": {
        "PluginRoot": "./src/index.ts"
    If you wish to change the defaults, add "scalprum" configuration to plugin "package.json" file, or use the '--scalprum-config' option to specify an external config.
    Packing main package to dist-dynamic/package.json
    Customizing main package in dist-dynamic/package.json for dynamic loading
    Generating dynamic frontend plugin assets in /Users/user/Code/community-plugins/workspaces/todo/plugins/todo/dist-dynamic/dist-scalprum
      263.46 kB  dist-scalprum/static/1417.d5271413.chunk.js
      250 B      dist-scalprum/static/react-syntax-highlighter_languages_highlight_plaintext.0b7d6592.chunk.js
    Saving self-contained config schema in /Users/user/Code/community-plugins/workspaces/todo/plugins/todo/dist-dynamic/dist-scalprum/configSchema.json

  3. Package and publish a third-party plugin: Run the following commands to navigate to the workspace directory and package the dynamic plugin to build the OCI image:

    Build an OCI image

    $ cd ../..
    $ npx @janus-idp/cli@latest package package-dynamic-plugins --tag

    Output of building an OCI image commands

      executing     podman --version ✔
    Using existing 'dist-dynamic' directory at plugins/todo
    Using existing 'dist-dynamic' directory at plugins/todo-backend
    Copying 'plugins/todo/dist-dynamic' to '/var/folders/5c/67drc33d0018j6qgtzqpcsbw0000gn/T/package-dynamic-pluginsmcP4mU/backstage-community-plugin-todo
    No plugin configuration found at undefined create this file as needed if this plugin requires configuration
    Copying 'plugins/todo-backend/dist-dynamic' to '/var/folders/5c/67drc33d0018j6qgtzqpcsbw0000gn/T/package-dynamic-pluginsmcP4mU/backstage-community-plugin-todo-backend-dynamic
    No plugin configuration found at undefined create this file as needed if this plugin requires configuration
    Writing plugin registry metadata to '/var/folders/5c/67drc33d0018j6qgtzqpcsbw0000gn/T/package-dynamic-pluginsmcP4mU/index.json'
    Creating image using podman
      executing     echo "from scratch
    COPY . .
    " | podman build --annotation com.redhat.rhdh.plugins='[{"backstage-community-plugin-todo":{"name":"@backstage-community/plugin-todo","version":"0.2.40","description":"A Backstage plugin that lets you browse TODO comments in your source code","backstage":{"role":"frontend-plugin","pluginId":"todo","pluginPackages":["@backstage-community/plugin-todo","@backstage-community/plugin-todo-backend"]},"homepage":"","repository":{"type":"git","url":"","directory":"workspaces/todo/plugins/todo"},"license":"Apache-2.0"}},{"backstage-community-plugin-todo-backend-dynamic":{"name":"@backstage-community/plugin-todo-backend","version":"0.3.19","description":"A Backstage backend plugin that lets you browse TODO comments in your source code","backstage":{"role":"backend-plugin","pluginId":"todo","pluginPackages":["@backstage-community/plugin-todo","@backstage-community/plugin-todo-backend"]},"homepage":"","repository":{"type":"git","url":"","directory":"workspaces/todo/plugins/todo-backend"},"license":"Apache-2.0"}}]' -t '' -f - .
    Successfully built image with following plugins:
    Here is an example dynamic-plugins.yaml for these plugins:
      - package: oci://!backstage-community-plugin-todo
        disabled: false
      - package: oci://!backstage-community-plugin-todo-backend-dynamic
        disabled: false

    Push the OCI image to a container registry:

    $ podman push

    Output of pushing the OCI image command

    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob sha256:86a372c456ae6a7a305cd464d194aaf03660932efd53691998ab3403f87cacb5
    Copying config sha256:3b7f074856ecfbba95a77fa87cfad341e8a30c7069447de8144aea0edfcb603e
    Writing manifest to image destination

  4. Install and configure the third-party plugin: Add the following plugin definitions to your dynamic-plugins.yaml file:

    Plugin definitions in dynamic-plugins.yaml file

     - package: oci://!backstage-community-plugin-todo
                 - mountPoint:
                   importName: EntityTodoContent
                 - path: /todo
                   title: Todo
     - package: oci://!backstage-community-plugin-todo-backend-dynamic
       disabled: false

3. Viewing installed plugins

Using the Dynamic Plugins Info front-end plugin, you can view plugins that are currently installed in your Red Hat Developer Hub application. This plugin is enabled by default.


  1. Open your Developer Hub application and click Administration.
  2. Go to the Plugins tab to view a list of installed plugins and related information.

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