Red Hat Developer Hub 1.5

About Red Hat Developer Hub

Red Hat Developer Hub is a customizable developer portal with enterprise-level support and a centralized software catalog that you can use to build high-quality software efficiently in a streamlined development environment.

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Red Hat Developer Hub is a customizable developer portal with enterprise-level support and a centralized software catalog that you can use to build high-quality software efficiently in a streamlined development environment.

Red Hat Developer Hub (RHDH) is an enterprise-grade internal developer portal designed to simplify and streamline software development processes. Combined with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, RHDH empowers platform engineering teams to create customized portals that improve developer productivity, accelerate onboarding, and enable faster application delivery. By reducing friction and complexity, RHDH allows developers to focus on writing high-quality code while adhering to enterprise-class best practices.

RHDH integrates software templates, pre-designed solutions, and dynamic plugins into a centralized platform, providing tailored solutions for operations and development teams in a unified environment.

1. Benefits of Red Hat Developer Hub

Red Hat Developer Hub offers targeted benefits for developers, platform engineers, and organizations by simplifying workflows, improving productivity, and enabling efficient governance.

For developers
  • Simplified access to tools, resources, and workflows through a centralized dashboard.
  • Self-service capabilities with guardrails for cloud-native development.
  • Streamlined software and service creation using pre-configured templates.
For Platform engineers
  • Tailored platforms with curated tools to support developers efficiently.
  • Centralized repositories for consistent configuration management.
  • Simplified governance of technology choices and operational processes.
For organizations
  • Scalability to onboard new teams quickly while maintaining consistency.
  • Enhanced security with enterprise-grade Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
  • Cost and time efficiency by mitigating cognitive load and eliminating workflow bottlenecks.

1.1. Key features

Centralized Dashboard
Provides a single interface for accessing developer tools, CI/CD pipelines, APIs, monitoring tools, and documentation. Integrated with systems like Git, OpenShift, Kubernetes, and JIRA.
Dynamic Plugins
Add, update, or remove plugins dynamically without downtime. Popular plugins like Tekton, GitOps, Nexus Repository, and JFrog Artifactory are supported and verified by Red Hat.
Software Templates
Simplify development processes by automating tasks such as repository setup, variable insertion, and production pipeline creation.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Manage user access with robust security permissions tailored to organizational needs.
Support growing teams and applications while maintaining access to the same tools and services.
Configuration Management
Centralized repositories ensure synchronized updates, improving version control and environment configuration.

Additional resources

2. Integrations in Red Hat Developer Hub

Red Hat Developer Hub integrates seamlessly with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and other tools, enabling comprehensive development and deployment workflows across enterprise.

2.1. Integration with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat Developer Hub is fully integrated with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, offering:

  • Operators to manage application lifecycle.
  • Access to advanced OpenShift capabilities such as service mesh, serverless functions, GitOps, and distributed tracing.
  • Pipelines and GitOps plugins for streamlined cloud-native workflows.

2.2. Integration with Red Hat Trusted Application Pipeline

Red Hat Trusted Application Pipeline (RHTAP) enhances Red Hat Developer Hub by providing secure CI/CD capabilities that integrate security measures into every stage of the development process.

While Red Hat Developer Hub focuses on the inner loop (code, build, and test), RHTAP manages the outer loop, automating:

  • Code scanning
  • Image building
  • Vulnerability detection
  • Deployment

RHTAP includes tools like Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer (TAS) for code integrity, Red Hat Trusted Profile Analyzer (TPA) for automated Software build of Materials (SBOM) creation, and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (ACS) for vulnerability scanning.

2.3. Extending Backstage with Red Hat Developer Hub

Red Hat Developer Hub which is a fully supported, enterprise-grade productized version of upstream Backstage extends the upstream project by adding:

  • Enhanced search capabilities that aggregate data from CI/CD pipelines, cloud providers, source control, and more.
  • A centralized software catalog for locating applications, APIs, and resources.
  • Automation through open-source plugins that expand Backstage’s core functionality.
  • Simplified technical documentation using Markdown and GitHub, with integrated search for easy navigation.

3. Supported platforms

You can find the supported platforms and life cycle dates for both current and past versions of Red Hat Developer Hub on the Life Cycle page.

4. Sizing requirements for Red Hat Developer Hub

Scaling the Red Hat Developer Hub requires significant resource allocation. The following table lists the sizing requirements for installing and running Red Hat Developer Hub, including Developer Hub application, database components, and Operator.

Table 1. Recommended sizing for running Red Hat Developer Hub

ComponentsRed Hat Developer Hub applicationRed Hat Developer Hub databaseRed Hat Developer Hub Operator

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

4 vCPU

2 vCPU

1 vCPU


16 GB

8 GB

1500 Mi

Storage size

2 GB

20 GB

50 Mi


2 or more

3 or more

1 or more

5. Red Hat Developer Hub support

If you experience difficulty with a procedure described in this documentation, visit the Red Hat Customer Portal. You can use the Red Hat Customer Portal for the following purposes:

  • To search or browse through the Red Hat Knowledgebase of technical support articles about Red Hat products.
  • To create a support case for Red Hat Global Support Services (GSS). For support case creation, select Red Hat Developer Hub as the product and select the appropriate product version.
  • For detailed information about supported platforms and life cycle details, see Red Hat Developer Hub Life Cycle.

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