Red Hat Developer Hub 1.5

Upgrading Red Hat Developer Hub

Upgrading a Red Hat Developer Hub instance to a later version by using either the Operator or the Helm chart

Red Hat Customer Content Services


You can upgrade a Red Hat Developer Hub instance to a later version from the OpenShift Container Platform web console using either the Operator or the Helm chart.

1. Upgrading the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator

If you use the Operator to deploy your Red Hat Developer Hub instance, then an administrator can use the OpenShift Container Platform web console to upgrade the Operator to a later version.

OpenShift Container Platform is currently supported from version 4.14 to 4.18. See also the Red Hat Developer Hub Life Cycle.



  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators > Installed Operators.
  2. On the Installed Operators page, click Red Hat Developer Hub Operator.
  3. On the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator page, click the Subscription tab.
  4. From the Upgrade status field on the Subscription details page, click Upgrade available.


    If there is no upgrade available, the Upgrade status field value is Up to date.

  5. On the InstallPlan details page, click Preview InstallPlan > Approve.


  • The Upgrade status field value on the Subscription details page is Up to date.

2. Upgrading the Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart

You can upgrade to a later version of Red Hat Developer Hub in OpenShift Container Platform by using either the web console or the CLI.

  • OpenShift Container Platform web console

    1. In the Developer perspective, click Helm to open the Helm Releases tab.
    2. Click the overflow menu on the Helm release that you want to use and select Upgrade.
    3. On the Upgrade Helm Release page, select the version of Developer Hub that you want to upgrade to from the chart version drop-down list.
    4. Click Upgrade.


      It might take a few minutes to delete the resources in the older versions and to start the newer versions of the Developer Hub pods.

    5. Close all open Developer Hub web pages, and log in again to verify that the upgrade was successful.
  • OpenShift Container Platform CLI

    1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster as the cluster administrator and switch to the project or namespace in which Developer Hub was installed.

      oc login -u <user> -p <password> https://api.<HOSTNAME>:6443
      oc project my-rhdh-project
    2. For a new version of the Developer Hub Helm chart, run the following upgrade command:

      helm upgrade -i rhdh -f new-values.yml \
        openshift-helm-charts/redhat-developer-hub --version 1.5.0

      You can also provide extra values to the chart by creating a new-values.yml file on your workstation with values that override the attributes in the installed chart or by adding new attributes.

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