Red Hat Developer Hub 1.3

Installing Red Hat Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated on Google Cloud Platform

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Red Hat Developer Hub is an enterprise-grade platform for building developer portals. Administrative users can configure roles, permissions, and other settings to enable other authorized users to deploy a Developer Hub instance on Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using either the Operator or Helm chart.

You can install Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using one of the following methods:

  • The Red Hat Developer Hub Operator
  • The Red Hat Developer Hub Helm chart

1. Installing Red Hat Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated on GCP using the Operator

You can install Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated on GCP using the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator.


  • You have a valid GCP account.
  • Your OpenShift Dedicated cluster is running on GCP. For more information, see Creating a cluster on GCP in Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated documentation.
  • You have administrator access to OpenShift Dedicated cluster and GCP project.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators > OperatorHub.
  2. In the Filter by keyword box, enter Developer Hub and click the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator card.
  3. On the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator page, click Install.
  4. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, navigate to Installed Operators and select Red Hat Developer Hub Operator.
  5. From the Developer Hub Operator page, click Create New Instance and specify the name and namespace where you want to deploy Developer Hub.
  6. Configure the required settings such as Git integration, secret management, and user permissions.
  7. Review the configuration, select deployment options, and click Create.


  • To access the Developer Hub, navigate to the Developer Hub URL provided in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2. Installing Red Hat Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated on GCP using the Helm Chart

You can install Developer Hub on OpenShift Dedicated on GCP using the Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart.


  • You have a valid GCP account.
  • Your OpenShift Dedicated cluster is running on GCP. For more information, see Creating a cluster on GCP in Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated documentation.
  • You have installed Helm 3 or the latest.


  1. From the Developer perspective on the Developer Hub web console, click +Add.
  2. From the Developer Catalog panel, click Helm Chart.
  3. In the Filter by keyword box, enter Developer Hub and click the Red Hat Developer Hub card.
  4. From the Red Hat Developer Hub page, click Create.
  5. From your cluster, copy the OpenShift Container Platform router host (for example: apps.<clusterName>.com).
  6. Select the radio button to configure the Developer Hub instance with either the form view or YAML view. The Form view is selected by default.

    1. Using Form view

      1. To configure the instance with the Form view, go to Root Schema → global → Enable service authentication within Backstage instance and paste your OpenShift Container Platform router host into the field on the form.
    2. Using YAML view

      1. To configure the instance with the YAML view, paste your OpenShift Container Platform router hostname in the global.clusterRouterBase parameter value as shown in the following example:

              enabled: true
          clusterRouterBase: apps.<clusterName>.com
          # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
  7. Edit the other values if needed, then click Create and wait for the database and Developer Hub to start.


  • To access the the Developer Hub, click the Open URL icon.

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