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rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset#

Reset offset for a consumer group


Reset the offset for consumers in a consumer group reading from a given topic.

Offset types: earliest, latest, absolute, timestamp You can choose specific partition to reset offset from (advanced usage)

rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset [flags]


# reset offset for a consumer group to latest$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --offset latest
# reset offset for a consumer group to earliest$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --offset earliest
# reset offset for a consumer group to an absolute value$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --offset absolute --value 0
# reset offset for a consumer group to a timestamp$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --offset timestamp --value "2016-06-23T09:07:21-07:00"
# reset offset for specific partitions in a consumer group$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --offset latest --topic my-topic --partitions 0,1


      --id string               The unique ID of the consumer group to reset-offset      --offset string           Offset type (choose from: "earliest", "latest", "absolute", "timestamp")      --partitions int32Slice   Partitions on which to reset the consumer group offset (comma-separated integers) (default [])      --topic string            Select topic for which consumer group offsets are to be reset      --value string            Custom offset value (required when offset is "absolute" or "timestamp")  -y, --yes                     Skip confirmation to forcibly reset the offset for the consumer group

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -h, --help      Show help for a command  -v, --verbose   Enable verbose mode