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Didact Gives Your Readme Superpowers!

Welcome to Didact!

Welcome to the vscode-didact project! Here you’ll find a description of how to use Didact, write Didact files, construct Didact links and more.

What is Didact?

Didact is a project designed to fill a void in Visual Studio Code, but what exactly is this thing? And more importantly, why should you care?

Essentially Didact combines these three elements:

What you get is a way to create simple, powerful files that can do any of these with a click:

And much, much more!

Installing the extension

The vscode-didact extension is available in the VS Code Extension Marketplace and the Open VSX Registry as well as available for use in Eclipse Che.

Didact can be installed in the Microsoft VS Code or VSCodium IDEs locally.


  1. Open your VS Code (IDE).
  2. In the VS Code Activity Bar, select Extensions. (Alternately, press Ctrl+Shift+X).
  3. In the search bar, type Didact
  4. In the vscode-didact box, click Install.

Accessing Didact in the workspace.

With Didact installed, there are three main ways to open a Didact file.

If a particular Didact file has been registered to appear in the Didact Tutorials view, you can quickly access it there as well.

Didact Tutorials View

For more about how to register new tutorials for access in the Didact Tutorials view, see Registering Tutorials.

About this documentation

These docs are here to help you learn how to use Didact files as a user in addition to helping you learn how to create new Didact files yourself; simple Markdown ( or AsciiDoc (.didact.adoc) files with a layer on top to process links that get to VS Code commands!

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents